Hip Arthroscopy
PREVENTIA Surgical Irrigation
The Innovative Solution for Infection Prevention
Sevika Medical AG, in collaboration with manufacturer Hartmann, presents Preventia®, an advanced surgical solution specially designed for infection management and prevention.
This innovative solution provides an effective response to the challenges associated with contamination and post-operative infections in demanding surgical environments.
PREVENTIA is a surgical irrigation solution that combines two key components:
Polyhexanide (PHMB): A powerful antiseptic known for its efficacy against bacteria, fungi, viruses, and biofilms.
Poloxamer: An innovative surfactant that enhances antiseptic action while preserving surrounding tissues.
Together, these components deliver rapid and effective action, ensuring safety and compatibility with delicate tissues.
Key Features
Broad-spectrum antimicrobial efficacy: Effective against resistant bacteria, fungi, viruses and biofilms.
Fast action: Eliminates biofilms and pathogens within one minute.
High tissue compatibility: Less irritating than PVP-iodine, suitable for sensitive environments.
Versatility: Ideal for orthopedic, septic, and cardiac procedures.
Operationseffizienz -Vorgefertigte Designs reduzieren die intraoperative Vorbereitungszeit.
Einfachere Anwendung -Rationalisierter Implantationsprozess für einfache Handhabung.
Zuverlässige Leistung -Strukturelle Robustheit unterstützt optimale Patientenergebnisse.
Beschleunigte Genesung -Präzisionsangepasste Implantate fördern eine effiziente Rehabilitation.
Reduziertes Infektionsrisiko -Integrierte Antibiotika erhöhen den postoperativen Schutz.
Verbesserter Komfort -Anatomische Genauigkeit und polierte Oberflächen sorgen für Patientenzufriedenheit.
Revisions bei infizierten Gelenkarthroplastiken.
Temporärer Gelenkersatz während mehrstufiger chirurgischer Eingriffe.
Behandlung von septischen Hochrisikofällen.
Swiss Distributor
Sales Office
Sevika Medical AG
Schochenmühlestrasse 4
CH-6340 Baar
Tel: +41 41 749 40 99
Fax: +41 41 511 22 48
Logistic Center
Sevika Medical AG c/o Medddbase Schweiz AG
Langäulistrasse 8
CH-9470 Buchs
Tel: +41 41 749 40 99
Fax: +41 41 511 22 48